Thursday, December 31, 2009
Holiday Rain

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
When (God willing) I have a daughter . . .
Will shine on you forever
And though I can't guarantee
There's nothing scary hiding under your bed
I’m gonna stand guard
Like a postcard of a Golden Retriever
And never leave till I leave you
With a sweet dream in your head
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one is two
There could never be a father
Who loved his daughter more than I love you
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Practical Jokes
As I was watching the windows bob up and down rhythmically I thought to myself: self, I was just the victim of a retroactive auto-practical joke. I could do this sort of thing all the time. Right before I drift off to sleep I could tie my legs together. If all goes according to plan (fall asleep within five minutes of the event), the memory of tying my legs would never make it past the very-very short-term memory phase. I would wake up the next morning with no idea of what I'd done the night before. What a pleasant way to start the day.
When you think about it, it isn't fair at all. You see, what makes a practical joke sort of alright is its tit-for-tat nature. If you play one, then you are asking for it. Not so if you play one on yourself. A self inflicted practical joke will always be past-self playing a trick on future-self. The future never gets its own back.
And this is the case with everything, not just practical jokes. Take politics. Clinton left behind a load of troubles for Bush, who left an even bigger mess for Obama to make worse. Leaving politics (I hate politics), just look at life in general. We are always doing things to ourselves now which we will regret later. What's a tattoo but a nasty trick a twenty year old is playing on a fifty year old? You can laugh at your past self but you can never give it a good talking to. Hm, I'm sure there's a moral in there somewhere.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Also, you may have noticed that our hit counter is down. I know many of you are distraught right now with thoughts of all the hypothetical donuts you will miss out on (we were getting close to 7000 hits). It was about this time last year that Kaleb decided to not give out Krispy Kreme donuts on a monumentous hit count landmark. Alas, we are going to have to cancel that tradition.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Romance of Language
Would it have been worth while,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that rail along the floor -
And this, and so much more? -
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen:
Would it have been worth while
If one, settling a pillow or throwing off a shawl,
And turning toward the window, should say:
'That is not it at all,
That is not what I meant, at all.'
- T.S. Elliot excerpt from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
"It is impossible to say just what I mean. . ." Ironically, I know just what J. Alfred Prufrock means. Speech is a burden to my soul. I believe I accomplish it as well as the next man, and perhaps better on paper but it frustrates me just the same. I do not wish I were better at speaking or writing; I wish it were not necessary. And it is not the action of speech itself that galls me. I am not a lazy communicator. If anything, I am too much of a perfectionist. So what, then, do I mean? That if I had my way in the world (thank goodness I do not) you would never have to ask this question of anyone. Minds would meet in the absence of all things besides perfect being and its expression in perfect thought.
If you are reading this, then my wish has not been fulfilled. You still have the wonderful freedom to misinterpret me, and I have the privilege of writing ambiguous sentences. Praise be to God, for leaving the romance in our language.
Yes, there is romance in our language, and it is the romance that flusters. Every sentence flirts with a host of different meanings. Some words are associated with one another so that they can best be called friends. Others will court one another until they become synonymous, and then finally philander into entirely different meanings. This is the way of words and who am I to stop them?
Monday, November 9, 2009
I, like Big T, have a wise younger sister.
Don't forget that sleep is not a sin. Please get some rest.(from an email)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Purification in Delos
"All the remains of those that died in Delos were removed, and for the future it was commanded that no one should be allowed either to die or to give birth to a child in the island; but that they should be carried over to Rhenea" which is near to Delos.
What I'm really concerned about is that part about people not being allowed to die or give birth on the island. This raises a few questions in my mind, and I'm sure it does the same in yours. The birthing part is pretty simple, it's weird but it's simple. They just put all their maternity wards on this island of Rhenea, problem solved. Also, people generally know when they're going to have a baby. There's a few signs to look out for (but keep your guesses to yourself). So, when those signs present themselves they send them over to that other island. But what if the signs were just missed? This happens you know.
Delos Purification Authority: Excuse me maam, you aren't about to have a baby here are you?
Woman in labor: I know, I know I saw the leaflets; I'm not supposed to give birth here. But I didn't know I was, and now I am.
DPA: I'm sorry maa'm but you are going to have to go to Rhenea for that. I can't allow you to have a baby here.
Dang, shucks for her. What a hassle.
And what about people dying? There had to have been more cases of ambiguity then. I mean, after a certain age I guess they just ferried the old people to Rhenea, and the same with the sick. I'm guessing there were no beds designated as "death beds" in Delos. But what about the odd person who started dying unexpectedly.
DPA: Um. . . Sir, you look like you could die any minute now. When did this start?
Dying man: About. . . ten minutes ago. . . I can hardly breathe.
DPA: Well dying's not allowed here, you're going to have to go to Rhenea. I shouldn't have to tell you this.
DM: Rhenea? I heard it's terrible, I want to die here.
DPA: Too bad, that's the law.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I make irrelevant comments because it's late.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A return to definition guessing
Monday, October 19, 2009
I need to work up to this ...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Absolute nonsense- nugarum
One fine sunny day I asked a guy from the tram, how many flimples will it take to feed a grown man. I’m not quite sure said the man to me, but come to my flat and we shall see. But what is a flimple? So glad you asked. It’s hard to say, but mostly they’re fast. They run hither, oh yes they run thither, they get pursuers into such a ridiculous dither. So how do you catch them? Well you have to be cautious, because if you find them asleep they’re really quite nauseous. But plug up your nose and give them a rub, they’ll drop in your hand, then give them a scrub. They’re tiny brown lice that cook ever so nice, teach them to stir, they take advice. They do everything fast, just leave them alone, they’ll sweep up your floor they’ll clean up your home.
So I open the door according to plan, and what do I find but five thousand flimples, a whole flimple clan. So I said to myself “Now I can know how many flimples it takes to feed a man full grown.” So I asked them quite nicely “could you try a meal out? I’m famished tonight, I could eat a whole trout.” Well, funny the way it all just worked out, trout’s what precisely they planned to try out. The meal that night was such a treat, it was quite a to-do, a fantastic feat. The flimples stood up on shoulders, they worked flimp-on-flimp, they cooked the fish, they constructed a blimp. Just kidding, no blimp was involved, but by working together the problem was solved. So many a flimple, six hundred flimps bold, fed one single man, and this story is told.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
6000 hits
Good luck!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Why I don't listen to Green Day
I do not mean to say that there is no legitimate reason for anyone to listen to Green Day. There may be, I just haven't found it yet. And I don't know what others do when they are listening to Green Day, but I was rebelling against the light. I was loving darkness.
So now I repent of recommending Green Day, approving what they are doing. I still believe that God has a purpose for bands like them, but this doesn't give me a reason for listening to them.
Thank the Lord for all his tender mercies. Amen.
Monday, August 24, 2009
My condition
I have had a fair number of health problems. I started having migraines and chronic dizziness (all the time) when I was about 13. Before that, I had stomach trouble and had passed out a few times when I was forced to stand for a long time. I went to very many doctors and had myself tested for all sorts of diseases and abnormalities, etc. but they couldn't find anything wrong with me. Then, I found out that I had severe allergies and started to have allergy shots. These helped, but not as much as we would expect if all my problems were due to allergies. Then my allergist told me that he think I might have dysautonomia. He referred me to a doctor named Randy Thompson, who has dysautonomia himself. After looking at the list of symptoms for dysautonomia (specifically POTS) I was pretty sure before I even saw him that I had dysautonomia. The first thing he had me do was take a tilt table test. In a tilt table you get strapped to a bed that moves from supine to upright. They tested all sorts of things on me, but the whole time they took note of my blood pressure and my heart rate. When the bed went upright my heart rate went up, my blood pressure went way down (60/40), and I only stayed conscious for about 5 minutes. So, I tested positive.
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is defined by an increase of over 30 bpm from a supine to an upright position. It's basically a battle between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. When I stand up, the sympathetic nervous system raises my heart rate, and the parasympathetic lowers my blood pressure to counteract this. Since the two systems are at odds, my body isn't always able to attain homeostasis. The imbalance causes way more problems than you might think - headaches, dizziness, visual disturbances, anxiety, depression, syncope (fainting), and many more I don't care to mention. Some people can't even stand without fainting, they are often confined to wheelchairs. There is no cure for POTS.
Thankfully, my condition is mainly under control with medication and exercise. It used to be a lot worse, but through the grace of God I now know much of what I need to do (and not do) to make it better. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do when I'll have to be in the NSA choir. I know that I am not able to stand up for as long as I would have to. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I would like more people to be aware of this disorder. It's often called an "invisible" ailment. Many people who have it are labeled hypochondriacs, lazy, or otherwise unstable because doctors aren't able to find what's wrong with them. Is it any wonder that so many are depressed? There are so many diseases, disorders, syndromes, etc. but I would appreciate prayer for those who are stricken with dysautonomia. Pray not necessarily for healing, but comfort. I was blessed with parents (and doctors to a large extent) who believed that I was telling the truth about what I was experiencing and were dedicated to finding the source. I wish that everyone had the same.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
What is happening to the church? U2charist?
Now, I've only been gone two weeks and the First United Methodist Church of Pensacola does something crazy. And apparently they are not the first.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a huge U2 fan. It's almost ridiculous how much I like them. But the reason that I like their music is exactly because their music does not sound right as a praise chorus. The music was not designed for any kind of corporate worship - except if you can call a concert that (which you can't by the way, not even at a "Third Day" concert).
It's quite ironic that U2 songs are going to be sung in a church service. U2 is a very individualistic band when it comes to church affiliation. They intentionally separated themselves from the contemporary Christian scene, at a time when they would have gained lots of fans quickly from that medium. That's a very good thing, because that would have killed their music.
The PNJ says that the church will be singing "Beautiful day", "Where the Streets have no Name", "One", "With or Without You", and "Still haven't found what I'm looking for." One? That's a great song, but it's about breaking up (just ask Bono). If you are going to sing U2 songs in church, why not sing "40" or "Yahweh"?
And it's called a U2charist. That's catchy, but I don't approve of turning the Lord's Communion into a pun.
It's an interesting idea, but I get nervous anytime I hear of a novel idea for a worship service. And when I hear the idea I almost always think "what the heck are they thinking?" Here we go again.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Why am I here?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ocean's refrain
When I look out and see the ocean’s rolling,
Over the sand, O Lord it’s you I see;
You wave your hands, the waves are gently flowing
Pushing the shells onto the sandy beach
"Then Sings my Soul. . ."
I had to hum the song to myself to make sure the words fit the melody. I doubt if it will ever be added to the hymnal, but I like it nonetheless.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Hannah Montana in New Orleans
Monday, June 22, 2009
Action Figures
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Another update on my movements
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Another hypothetical Donut
Israel's plight- My plight
I was reading over this passage for my Lordship class, and the grace of God struck me full in the face. Here is something Mr. Appel pointed out to me in class, God said
"When all these things come upon you. . ." God knew that Israel could not keep the terms of the covenant. Again and again Israel wandered far from the Lord. And again and again the Lord restored them.
This is me I tell you. I am Israel. I am the prodigal son.
This is bad, certainly. But I'll tell you what's worse. When I am not being the prodigal son, I am being the elder brother. I forget that, just a few days ago, I was wallowing with the pigs.
But God is gracious. He convincts me. And He forgives me even for this.
Praise Him!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
If I didn't share this. . .
Monday, April 27, 2009
In a doctor's office for 2.50 hours

Seth and Eden are looking at a book full of animals. Seth is naming the animals for his little sister. This animal to the left is an. . .
And this:

Is an even bigger eel.
I love it. I can imagine myself reading to my little sister. I am six and she is three. I cannot read, but that really does not matter at all. Like Seth, I am an excellent interpreter of pictures. And I am quite confident in my assertions.
Or, the more likely scenario is that my sister is reading to me. Even as a three year-old my sister is quite brilliant. She says "And all these words are what they say" as she turns each page. There is no arguing with her logic. She does not like it when I say "uh huh." I must say, my sister's whims are really quite arbitrary. She would rather I just say "yeah." So I say "uh huh" a lot, just to get on her nerves (I really haven't changed much since then). And I pretend to not listen. So she says "Robbie, if you keep doing that then I'm not reading."
Ah, timeless.
I am continually amazed by Easter
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Beach Walking- My newest assigned poem
"Beach Walking"
I am walking across the Ft. Pickens buried road
With a kayak slung . . . DANG! on my shoulders
And a crab just took claw and it grabbed
My big foot so you must please forgive me.
I am lucky that no cars are going by me,
cause I dropped that big bulky friggin’ bark
And it landed right CRAP! on my other foot.
So I hobble fast across this barren beach.
It's obviously not a great poem or anything, but I am rather proud of the meter. It is anapestic, which means that it has three beats per foot going "unstressed, unstressed, stressed." The meter itself is almost like taking two steps and encountering something painful. I wouldn't want to use it in a relaxed poem, but it works well in this situation.
Monday, April 20, 2009
An update on my movements
Well, that pretty much sums up my weekend. I hope yours was good too.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Chaining down the muse
Couplets aren't that hard. You can mass-produce those little buggers. But you definitely can't tell me to produce a sonnet. Of course, sonnets don't come about naturally anyway. I've never been just sitting on my bed (my preferred poetry workstation) casually writing a poem and suddenly realize that, lo and behold, I've been writing a sonnet. "Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. Hey check this out - it's a sonnet! What should I call it?"
I am a self-motivated person. Which basically means that when I don't want to do something, I don't do it. What I need to do is realize that I really, deep down want to write a sonnet. There is nothing in the world I wish for more, than to write 14 lines -three quatrains and a couplet - in iambic pentameter using the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg.
Oh well, the couplet will be easy.
P.S. Couplets can be hard if you do them right
Monday, April 6, 2009
What hurts the most
Now, those who know me well will know how much of a stretch this is. To my ears, the twangy whining/wheezing/wailing of a country singer is no more musical than nails on a chalkboard. I'm doing my best to fix this though. I recognize it as a gap in my musical palate. To this end, "Project Densensitisation" is underway.
The smart thing to do would to start with some "Southern rock." After all, rock is what I would consider to be my native genre. So, the natural transition would be to move into something that's a bit more southern but is still rock. It's sort of like easing your way into a freezing cold bit of water.
But that's not how I roll. I jump (headfirst when I know it won't kill me). Right now George Strait is singing something about Cowboys. Just a minute ago Kenny Chesney was saying something about how his wife (at any rate, the woman who hands him the jug of sweet tea) thinks his tractor is like, attractive(?). Right before that Rascall Flatts* was whining about something hurting really, really bad (the most in fact).
So I'm thinking. . .
- Yeah I guess cowboys have fun. Chasing the wind and all that jazz.
- Sure, I bet some women are attracted to tractors.
- What's that Rascall Flatts? Oh PLEASE. Stop the whining, will you? I really don't care how bad it hurts. The most, eh? OOOOO It can't be worse than what I'm suffering right now, listening to your whining. Like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer. . .
You know, I think I'm beginning to get acclamated. I can't say I like country music, but I have made progress. Now, instead of running away screaming, I just laugh at it. Seriously, this stuff is hilarious. What's even funnier than the actual music is the fact that I am listening to it. Me. I keep looking around to make sure I'm not actually sitting in Lone Star Steakhouse with waiters dancing around and tripping on the peanuts.
P.S. My apologies to any "Rascall" fans. *Cough* Bobby Lee.
*Incidentally, I have found this equation to be quite helpful in understanding this band:
Boy Band + Country= Rascall Flatts
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I am back, like a famine.
you know i always miss the ocean
on stormy days i miss its waves
and on the clear days too
cause three thousand miles are just
too many for my toes to trip
when we've just got a weekend.
i know the gut-punching sickness
that comes on darker nights
when i wake up and there you
and how i've wished to weep
for now i know how it is to be alone
the slap of water in the sink,
any mirrored flash of light,
the frozen fountain in
the frozen square below
they all remind me of the ocean
and of the suns embrace
and loneliness loves to gnaw at my guts
its chewed all through my
for you are gone so i'm not here;
pray God someday
that all of that will change
is this what earth feels like to heav'n
(now am i not absurd?)
but i say sometime in the sunlight
when on the highest crest of hills
when dancing with our life's true love
we long for what we do not know.

Let's pretend this is a diary. . .
Yesterday I went on a bike ride. It was fun. I saw an old man in a kilt walking down the bike path. That was weird. I ate at Arby's because I was super hungry and it sounded good. I was right, it was really good. Then I went home and did nothing. Then I went to Ty's house and we cooked burgers. I ate a burger [yes, I did actually eat a burger] because they forced me to. Later, I felt a little sick because I haven't had red meat in a long time because it upsets my stomach.
[end diary]
The interesting thing about reading old diary entries is the perspective I get. In one sense a diary is good to help you remember something. Its mainly good, however, as a help to remember things in a certain way. For example, I remember when I was about eight (whenever I imagine myself really young I am always about eight) seeing a water moccasin in Georgia. It was somewhat sensational. So it made it into my diary with just the bare facts and the customary summary, "it was cool." Even more sensational I remember learning, approximately 11 years and 9 months ago, that my mom was going to have a baby. I just wrote something about how I hoped for a boy and Hannah hoped for a girl. Of course, it was a boy. Benjamin Edward Noland. Ben. His birthday is tomorrow, 11.
I was a different person then, and the world was a different place. I can never return to the time of 1997, or '98 or even fifteen minutes ago. When I remember things now, I can't help but remember as a 20 year old in college. Unless. . . I read it in that old diary. Then my mind is thrust into the unsteady pen of a freckly too-tall eight year old who hoped for a little brother. For a moment, I remember myself as the boy who wrote down those things.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Retroactive "hypothetical donut" award
However, all is not lost. If you were paying really close attention (and were familiar with the rules of "Hypothetical Donut") then maybe you took a picture of it.
That would be awesome. If you did, then you get like two hypothetical donuts (because you've gone above and beyond the call of flabbergastetry).
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Smacking (Why I hate it)
In the same way, when someone is chewing his food we know that the digestive juices are flowing. We realize that food is actually getting mixed with spit as it swishes around his mouth. However, we are not supposed to hear it. The smack as the wet food sloshes around the mouth is not a pleasant sound. Nor is it at all, appetizing to see the extremely unaesthetic state of his partially undigested food. Food in the mouth is always disgusting. It does not matter if it is the most exquisite entrée on the menu of West of Paris. And look, how beautiful it looks on the plate when it is served. In the mouth it will look like the same kind of mush that saltine crackers becomes, and I can guarantee it will make a similar noise.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Scariest word in the English language. . .
Usually accompanied with an exclamation point when it is written,* "oops" has long been considered the scariest word in the English language. At just four letters it packs a mighty punch. Although, its true strength can only be measured by the context in which it is uttered, "oops" is never a good thing to hear.
Close cousins to oops [excluding vulgarities]:
Crud bucket
We're in a tight spot
Did I do that?
*Depending on the enormity of the disaster. If it's a fairly harmless mistake, such as when a few innocent hairs are plucked out of existence, then only one is necessary. However, if it is a disaster of nuclear proportions, two or even three exclamation points may be necessary to convey the utter badness of the situation.
Monday, March 9, 2009
What I don't understand (greatly abridged)
1. Why it is suddenly snowing in Moscow. It's not strange for it to snow up here; it's just that it was showing signs of being a bit like Spring. Oh well, I've heard that the winter plays tricks on people.
2. Why I limp, and must now walk with a cane.
I'm a little more prone to complain (to God, not to you) about the second on this list, because it was completely unexpected and makes no sense to me at all. I want to ask, like Tevye in Fiddler On the Roof - "Dear God. Was that necessary?" It seems like a just question. I already went through this three years ago; during my junior year in high school I needed a cane to walk. I went through months of physical therapy to walk without it. Why, dear God, again?
But I already know the answer. I have it in 2 Corinthians. Paul asked the Lord to remove the thorn in his flesh, and He answered "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV).
So far from understanding why I have some malady that causes the limp, I don't even know what malady it is. Three years ago I went to every doctor that could possibly give an answer. I took tests confirming that I do not have Multiple Sclerosis, or Early Onset Parkinson's disease, or any of the other diseases that plagued those around me with worry. Thank God, I have none of those.
Here's what I do have:
1. A Loving family
2. A good church
3. A gracious God
Of course, I already knew this. There is no kind of confirmation though, like hardship. And it's enough to turn my complaining into sincere gratitude. Indeed, His grace is sufficient for me. Praise the Lord!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Favorite lyrics from U2's "No Line On the Horizon"
"Moment of Surrender": At the moment of surrender / Of vision over visibility / I did not notice the passers-by / And they did not notice me / I was speeding on the subway / Through the stations of the cross / Every eye looking every other way / Counted down ‘til the Pentecost /
"I'll Go Crazy if I don't Go Crazy Tonight": The right to appear ridiculous is something
I hold dear / Oh, but a change of heart comes slow / It’s not a hill, it’s a mountain / As you start out the climb / Listen for me, I’ll be shouting / We’re gonna make it all the way to the light
"Stand Up Comedy": The DNA lottery may have left you smart / But can you stand up to beauty, dictator of the heart / I can stand up for hope, faith, love / But while I’m getting over certainty / Stop helping God across the road like a little old lady / Out from under your beds / C’mon ye people / Stand up for your love / Love love love love love… / I gotta stand up to ego but my ego’s not really the enemy / It’s like a small child crossing an eight lane highway / On a voyage of discovery / Stand up to rock stars, Napolean is in high heels / Josephine, be careful of small men with big ideas
"White As Snow": Once I knew there was a love divine / Then came a time I thought it knew me not / Who can forgive forgiveness where forgiveness is not / Only the lamb as white as snow [. . .] As boys we would go hunting in the woods / To sleep the night shooting out the stars / Now the wolves are every passing stranger / Every face we cannot know / If only a heart could be as white as snow / If only a heart could be as white as snow
"Breathe": I’ve found grace inside a sound / I found grace, it’s all that I found / And I can breathe / Breathe now
"Cedars of Lebanon": The worst of us are a long drawn out confession / The best of us are geniuses of compression
You've got to hear this
Only U2 can pull off this kind of cultural subversion. At the end of this month they will go on tour, and they will sing this song. And tens of thousands of people will be singing these verses. And they will return to their cars, still singing the refrain. I think it will be glorious.
Perhaps the fools among them will think that this is just a normal love song. About just a normal, perishable lover who causes Bono to sing these words. It does work on this level.
Maybe they know that U2 is a christian band, but love the songs and are prepared to ignore the "religion." This is good music.
It really doesn't matter. The very stones themselves are crying out. Don't let them outdo us. Praise the LORD!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I wish you a happy holiday
Saturday, February 28, 2009
You can hear the difference. . .

Incidentally, I could have gone my whole life without seeing Elton John in a Donald Duck costume (and you could have too, had you not read this post). However, there is no going back; that time has past. We all have seen it, and it is time for us to just move on.
[The article I ripped this picture out of made me laugh. It's just talking about Elton John's latest trouble related to perversion, and then it includes that picture right in the middle like an illustration. There was no warning, nothing like "Speaking of Elton John, here he is playing the piano dressed as Donald Duck." It just pops it in and carries on as if nothing had happened. "Boom! Here he is!"]
Right, moving on. . . I was just comparing Elton John's song "Believe" with U2's "God Part 2." It's amazing to me that they can say essentially the same words "I believe in Love" and yet mean something completely different.
Elton John is essentially despairing with a smile on his face. Bernie Taupin writes "I believe in love/it's all we've got" and Elton John sees the tragedy. He puts it into a minor key. The kind of love that Elton John wants "don't mean a thing" (cf. "I want Love). This love can't be a reason for joy. It can't really be a reason for anything, if you aren't willing to give anything up for it.
U2 sings about a love that means everything. It's a powerful antidote to all the poisons of the world, and it is a perfect preamble to "Bullet the Blue Sky."
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I got crucified in ashes.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
You might say I'm convinced. . .
I've pretty much gone in a complete circle over the issue of capital punishment. Four years ago I probably would have been in favor of capital punishment for murder and treason. I was 16 and probably was just going along with conservative Christian bandwagon without giving it much thought.
Last year I would have been unequivocally against capital punishment. It is a merciless system, and to me it needs to be absolutely foolproof. We should never hear about someone convicted of a capital crime being acquitted on the basis of DNA evidence. That should not happen. It means we could have wrongfully put other people to death. Yes, the Old Testament mosaic law required capital punishment for a myriad of crimes. But that was a theocracy; and even then charges could only be upheld on the basis of two or three witnesses. I would have definitely told you that in our present situation, capital punishment just isn't justified.
Now, I don't know. I hear the arguments; theological, pragmatical, and otherwise. It is clearly mandated in mosaic law (and Kaleb could tell you a lot about that); penologists will tell you about the problems of recidivism; forensic psychologists will tell you that most murderers and rapists are psychopaths who are incurable and unable to re-enter society; etc. etc. And yet, I must say that it would take more than arguments alone to convince me. It isn't a logical problem I have with it. It is more like an emotional barrier.
I don't want to agree with implementing capital punishment. But I am starting to see the merit of capital punishment in clear cases of 1st degree murder. It would be stubborn for me to continue to insist that it isn't justice. And as much as I dislike America (and I do, I really do; it's an abomination), I will concede that treason is a legitimate capital crime.
I don't have the time (and you don't have the patience, I am sure) to go through all my problems with theonomy. I'll just say one thing. Theonomy sounds great at first - the Word of God is authoritative and should be carried out in all areas of both private and civil life. That isn't too hard to swallow, until you think about all the people we would have to put to death (the list is substantial).
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I am just me
So. I start every post I write with "I . . . " followed by some action verb. Rob has indicated that this at times grates on his nerves, and asks me why I do it. Now I think this question answers itself, but I wanted to give a public defense of my habit because it says something about me and about how I blog. Here goes.
Josh Gibbs' The Cedar Room influenced how I think about blogging more than I can really say (thus Rob's jab about copycat-etry). It was the first real blog I ever read, and I read it for nearly three years. It was cool, smart, well-written, and only rarely got above itself. Yet Josh always started his posts with the phrase "We are." At least, after he was married. Before that it was "I am." In a post I've long since lost track of, Josh talked about why he did this, and said that it reminded him of what he was supposed to be doing while typing away on the internets.
I think this is very wise, and so I copied him. See, when I say "I ..." what I'm trying to do is make the reader realize that this is not some sort of encyclopedia, some vault of knowledge, some authority sitting in cyberspace. It's not even as trustworthy as Wikipedia isn't. It's just me, a very, very white freshman in college sitting in a two-bedroom apartment typing away just for the heck of it. My words are more often than not rash, foolish, and startlingly ill-informed. They're just that: my words.
Why is it "I" and not "We?" Well, like I said, when Josh used it it was because he got hitched, so I just avoided it cause that's not me. A friend of ours already introduces us as "Rob and his partner Kaleb," so I get skittish around these sorts of things. And besides, if I make some absurd claim that Rob doesn't agree with, you can't expect him to go to the stake defending it. I've probably said or will say at some point that I believe that the death penalty should be used in America pretty much exactly like the Old Testament says it should be in Israel (yes, rebellious kids, witches, adulterers, and homosexuals all come under that). Rob doesn't agree with this, so I'd title the post "I call for blood" or something, because it's not "We call for blood." It's just little old me. But if this habit is indeed bugging everyone, I'll shut-up already and move on. What thinkest thee?
Monday, February 16, 2009
You might have heard from me earlier. . .
Alright, on to the second order of business. You may have noticed that I purposefully avoided starting the post with "I." Then again, you might not have noticed. Well, this is your chance to notice. This is a protest against Kaleb's titling method. I have taken digs at it before. I think it is sort of egotistical (and bordering on the annoying) to start every post that way. After all, it isn't all about me is it? It's about YOU, my readers. Therefore, until Kaleb offers a good explanation for his titling (that involves more than just wanton copycatting of another esteemed blogger) I will start every post with either "you" "he" "she" or "they". If he isn't very persuasive then I will keep my titling.
NB: I don't really think Kaleb is being egotistical; I just want to see his reason for starting every post on a two-author blog with the pronoun "I".
I know what is.
Mongol: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
This makes me laugh to nearly no end.