Monday, April 20, 2009

An update on my movements

So, I'm back into biking (as in bicycle, not motorcyle) now that it's spring. I've biked some 70-0dd miles over the last three days. I've found out some things. First, that the old man in the kilt also walks down the trail to Troy. This guy gets around. Second, Pit bulls like to hang out on the sides of the trail and scare its users. This is the second time I've been unnerved by the sight of a pit bull wandering free. The first time it was on the Chipman trail and I was even more afraid, because it looked like a mountain lion. Third, a gas station at the end of an eleven mile trail is a beautiful thing. Fourth(ly?), I shouldn't keep my phone in my pocket while I'm riding. It fell out and I thought I lost it for good, but someone picked it up and called the number my dad texted to it. It was quite providential. Finally, the Palouse is so beautiful. The hills just seem to roll on forever. It's quite a sight for a guy who is used to oceans and flatlands.

Well, that pretty much sums up my weekend. I hope yours was good too.


  1. Wow, that's impressive! I was driving towards Troy the other day, promising myself that I would ride those trails before I leave. They look like a lot of fun. I also want to hit Moscow Mountain before I leave, but I'm not sure if I'll have time.
