Sunday, March 29, 2009

Retroactive "hypothetical donut" award

That's right folks. We've let the great 4000 pass us by. Even though we haven't posted in a fortnight, somehow you are still visiting us.

However, all is not lost. If you were paying really close attention (and were familiar with the rules of "Hypothetical Donut") then maybe you took a picture of it.

That would be awesome. If you did, then you get like two hypothetical donuts (because you've gone above and beyond the call of flabbergastetry).


  1. Hey, hey... what do you know! I just happen to have that lucky golden screen shot-of-a-ticket (Guess it pays off to check the blog even when you guys don't post after all.). When do I show up for my tour of the factory? Oh, well anyhow, I do hope the two hypothetical doughnuts I have coming my way aren't stale...

    By the way... I love the hanging "we" at the end of the first paragraph. Such suspense! I can just see Kaleb nudging you right then saying: "Don't promise them that!".

  2. Congratulations Curtis. That is fantabulous, you have two hypothetical donuts coming your way. You will be happy to know that we have only the freshest hypothetical donuts.

    No, the hanging "we" was an honest mistake. Kaleb has never been stingy with hypothetical donuts (although he does have a little trouble with the real variety).

  3. I imagine curtis knows how to use photoshop because I also can produce photo evidence that i was the 4000th visitor

  4. Don't worry guys, I was the winner of either the first or second hypothetical donut and have yet to experience the hypothetical sugar high from my hypo-nut, as I've learned to call it over the years.

    Rob's Dad.
