Saturday, November 29, 2008
Two THOUSAND hittarinis
Friday, November 28, 2008
Why Dane is no longer an author on "Help! I've been Flabbergasted!"
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sloth strikes back
Well, we've never seen anyone go in or out of those doors . . . until last night. J-Saud and I were doing the ol' "knock on the door and run like crazy people down the stairs or into the flat because we are scared out of our wits about what may come out of those doors" routine. We do this a lot; pretty regularly over 3 months. Anyway, I was running ahead of Jeremy and fumbling to open the door. When we got in, he told me in a hushed whisper that he saw the door open and light pour forth. You could have heard a child scream, the silence was so complete. Sure enough, there was knocking on our door. We wait a terrified fifteen seconds. I look through the peep hole and it was something so hideous and hairless. . . that it didn't have any hair. In other words, the dude was bald. And then, he laid down his fearful ultimatum - "Could you guys stop knocking on other people's doors." So I just answered, "sure we'll stop."
I did not really have my wits together. I should have maintained deniability. "Uh, I don't know what you are talking about dude." Or, I could at least have told him that his is the only door we knock on. That would have made him feel special. Or especially mad. Anyway, I decided to appease the beast with an easy, albeit boring, answer.
The End
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Something very profound - Wait for it, Wait for it
Instead I'm going to tell you about how Mr. Monty Python made his own special channel on youtube. So I will. Did you know that there is now a Monty Python channel on the UK YouTube? Well, now you do.
Check this out:
I Take an Open Poll
I name the Top 10 Weapons in Movies
Monday, November 24, 2008
In which I try to say something intelligible (although irrelevant) using only song lyrics
My father yells "It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away." That's just the way it is, somethings will never change - while mona lisas and mad hatters, sons of bankers, sons of lawyers
turn around and say good morning to the night. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone. But when the sun shines again I'll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in. Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me. Thought I would die a lonely man, in endless night. But now I'm high. I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Homosexuality is usually not a choice. . .
There is a common misconception flying around Christian circles that claims that at some point, every homosexual chose to become homosexual. They intellectually resist any indication to the contrary. If scientists discovered a "gay" gene (possibly the xq28 chromosome) tomorrow, there would be many Christians who would no longer know how to condemn the practice of homosexuality. They've built a huge part of their defense of the Biblical doctrine of marriage on shaky foundations.
These days, we hear a lot about tolerance. The liberals preach it and the conservatives go running out of the room with their hands over their ears. The problem is a faulty understanding of the difference between acceptance and love. The liberals have something right. We should love the homosexual. There is absolutely no justification for holding up a sign that says "God hates fags" at a gay pride parade. Besides being completely wrong, people who do this are sending out a message of hate to a people they are called to love. The liberals therefore equate love with acceptance.
The conservatives have something right too. We don't have to accept homosexuality into our homes and churches. We have a duty to the body of Christ, and to the homosexuals themselves. We are doing them no favors by telling them that there is nothing wrong with their behavior. Practicing homosexuals should be barred from church membership and from partaking of the Lord's Table (just as anyone living in grievous sin should be, homosexuality is not uniquely abominable in God's eyes). However, does a father cease to love his son, because his son is disobedient to him? No, he loves his son; therefore, he sends him to his room without his supper. I would be extremely surprised if anyone was ever positively changed because someone withheld love from him. Donald Miller in "Blue Like Jazz" pointed out how seriously flawed and downright sinful a method it is to seek to change someone through not loving them. It is hopeless and selfish. Love is the social catalyst.
So, liberals love and wrongly accept; conservatives don't love, because they think to love is accept. Have you guessed the solution? It's the only other permutation. Love, but do not accept. Christ says "Come to Me just as you are." He does not say "come to me and you can stay just as you are." When we give the homosexual the latter message, it is a false gospel.
These are some things I have been thinking about lately. Please don't take this as me saying that every liberal, and every conservative is like this. I am obviously painting in very broad strokes and coloring in the lines provided by stereotypes.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Galactophagist (n.)
So did I
Here goes:
1. When I was a baby I could spin a pacifier around like a propeller (really freaking out, and amusing nursery attendants). I could be a 1000 dollarionaire if my parents had just taped it and sent it to AFV. Some other kid won 1st prize for that stunt recently, and he had half of my spinning talent.
2. I was mock held-up in Paris with a banana. By a very drunk man who thought it was hilarious (but I really wasn't in the mood)
3. I am ridiculously affected by smacking.
4. I analyze things to a ridiculous extent.
5. I like doing voice impressions and fake accents.
6. I used to be called Robbie (until about the 7th grade).
Alright, I tag: MPK, Hannah Noland, My dad, Winston Kimmel, Tyler Knight, Justin Hughes (even though he never reads this and would probably not participate if he did). If you are not one of those people and you were not tagged by Kaleb, go ahead and do your own and pretend like I tagged you.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I got tagged
2. I love vinyl records. Rob and I collectively own almost thirty LPs, and they are the way of the future. That's right, the future.
3. Rob and I have a running dare that we won't turn on the heat in our apartment. He said "So when are we gonna turn the heat on?" I responded, "whenever you get cold." He then said: "I can last as long as you can." To which my obvious response was, "and I can last longer than you, so I guess we're good."
4. I have an unreasonable, unpredictable, and totally irrational love for the band Journey.
5. Until this past August, when I moved into the apartment, I've never had my own room. I always shared one with my two younger brothers or sister (at least, as long as I can remember). And, perhaps even weirder, (unless you know my brothers, both the painfully cool Kanaan/Mark and the tragically hip Khristian/whatever annoying name I can come up with) I enjoyed it immensely. I think I'll make my children do the same.
6. My grandaddy makes the best BBQ in the world, and my grandmother makes the best fried chicken. This is the grandaddy who dipped my pacifier in Dr. Pepper when I was but a tyke. I also vividly remember the two times in my life that they have not had DP in their fridge. Those were tragic days.
Monday, November 17, 2008
First word of the day!
I'm starting off with an easy one. Y0u will be permanently banned from this blog if you look up the word on google. Not really (I'm not that strict, I don't know how to do that, and we appreciate all our readers), but come on people; play fair. Furthermore, if you own a copy of "Mrs. Byrne's. . ." please refrain from entering into the fray. Otherwise, dig in!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Mrs. Byrne
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I make a promise
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I am suspicious of backpacking
Mr. Timothy Clemans asserts that “everyone should experience the joys and benefits of backpacking.” The heart of my disagreement with him is this simple truth: not everyone should go backpacking. Sure, it’s great for your health to breathe the fresh clear air, spiced with a hint of moose dung, but what about the other side of this issue? Mr. Clemans’ logic, though full of examples, seems short on practical experience. A dozen people can’t walk through a forest, camp, and leave it better than they found it. It just won’t happen. National parks try to limit human impact on the environment, but with little success. In Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, the National Park Service reports that nearly 10% of camping sites had severe vegetative damage, while 86% had significant human impact. Mr. Clemans himself told a story that demonstrates this. Once when backpacking, he frightened a bald eagle away from the salmon it had just caught. Though the subsequent meal, the experience, and the scenery were, I am sure, great for Mr. Clemans, the eagle was left without a meal. We can enjoy nature without destroying it by backpacking.
In addition, Mr. Clemans says in at least four different ways that camping miles away from civilization is therapeutic. Civilization, I would hasten to point out, includes toilets. If you’ve ever had to take care of business on a cold and wet mountain, you know that “therapeutic” is not the word to describe it. “Fun, physical, and rewarding pastime” indeed.
I give the Flabbergasted Bump
Friday, November 7, 2008
Don't wake me. . .
I'm hoping President Obama will change our minds. I think that he will show Americans that their love affair with change is in reality a love affair with death, and it is certainly nothing new. I think some people will become disillusioned with the savior they elected, and come to know the Savior who elected them.
I think a lot of good will come from this election, but we won't see most of it for a good four years. So, wake me up in four years please.
That Hideous "X"
Now look, I don’t really think there’s anything sinister about playing video games. On the other hand, I don’t think there’s anything beneficial either. An occasional Halo party can be fun; but I disagree with Mr. Truax’s overblown claim that it sponsors lasting friendships. It is quite easy to point at two good friends who get together to play video games, and claim that the video games are responsible for their friendship. In fact, it’s so easy that it’s referred to (for convenience’s sake) as the “ad hoc” fallacy.
I agree with those in the reformed community who claim that video games can be addictive (generally, anything that offers instant gratification has this potential). It appears that Mr. Truax was on a hot-streak of fallacious reasoning when he dismissed this claim because our reformed community likes its alcohol and tobacco. This is called the fallacy of origin, little boys and girls, criticizing a position because of where it originated. The reformed community rightly treats alcohol and tobacco as substances to be used in moderation. We should do the same with video games.
Chicky Flicky
I know that there are bad chick flicks, but there are so many more redeeming chick flicks that we should watch. It was unfortunate to hear Miss Sundet categorize all chick flicks as junk. There are so many good ones: “Pride and Prejudice.” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” “Sense and Sensibility,” and let us not forget “Cinderella” or “Sleeping Beauty.” Miss Sundet said in her previous declamation that “chick flicks are fluff.” Now that's a bit much. Baby chickens are made of fluff. The point is, I know that chick flicks have predictable plots. I know that the characters are predictable. But that's what makes them so good. In the chick flick “Penelope” the characters are well portrayed. You hate the bad guys, but think they are hilarious at the same time. The film is a fairy tale and its star character is in fact, a girl with a pig nose. The movie has predictable characters, predictable plots, and the guy kisses the girl in the end. But isn't that what our world is like. We have predictable characters, predictable plots, and God brings the Church to Himself in the end with a triumphant kiss. If God didn't like chick flicks, he wouldn't have made one Himself.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I am, again, amazed
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I am going to shutup
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Rob's got a confession to make. . .
1) I don't mean to be fatalistic, but is this not a sinking ship? What's the use of moving a few marbles around in the hull?
b) Alas, I'm an isolated college student that doesn't even own a TV
γ) I was too lazy to register absentee
So, there you have it peoples. Please don't blame the outcome of this election on me
(*cough* MPK). My tiny little vote would have done hardly anything; you are apparently laboring under the delusion that this is a democracy.