Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rob's got a confession to make. . .

I've already confessed this to several of my classmates, but I'd like to come out before everyone as a "non-voter" in this '08 election. I've got several reasons:

1) I don't mean to be fatalistic, but is this not a sinking ship? What's the use of moving a few marbles around in the hull?

b) Alas, I'm an isolated college student that doesn't even own a TV

γ) I was too lazy to register absentee

So, there you have it peoples. Please don't blame the outcome of this election on me
(*cough* MPK). My tiny little vote would have done hardly anything; you are apparently laboring under the delusion that this is a democracy.


  1. My dad and I agree that Obama won because not enough Christians voted for McCain. It's not you, per se; it's your whole demographic--the twenty-something-year-old apathetic male who sends America to hell by believing that she's already there.
    P. S. Please don't cough on me. I heard that you've been sick.
    P. P. S. I do realize that politics will not save America.
    P. P. P. S. My mom would like to add that you are, because of your lack of participation in the political process, not allowed to make a single political complaint in the next four years.
    P. P. P. P. S. Have you read my explanatory comment on the "Nanny Nanny" post?

  2. Yes I did. The reasons I gave are facetious. I just forgot to register before the 30-day period.

  3. MPK,

    Just as a point of fact, pagans also failed to vote McCain -- just so we know that Republicanism does not equal Christianity, nor, thank God, vice versa. Sure Christians failed to vote for McCain, but McCain also failed Christians for the last 40 years or so, so he kind of had it coming.

    You may say I'm jumping in the basket, but I'd say look around you, America's pretty much in hell. The worst thing I can do is help her stay there by believing in a false prophet.

    For the record, I voted absentee in Florida for McCain/Palin, though it went much against my grain.

  4. I am just glad that my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness, not Palin's getting rid of greed on Wallstreet or Obamma's spreading the wealth around.
    P. S. Why do y'all post things at 2 in the morning?

  5. Also, you said "look around. . .America's pretty much in hell." I would ask you to think of the potential good that America can and has accomplished. Consider that it's:

    Easy to find what's wrong
    Harder to find what's right

  6. We're on Pacific time, though our blog is set to Central. Don't ask. Anyhow, we're just always up late. I actually was thinking today, I haven't gone to bed before midnight (with maybe one exception that I can think of . . . ) in the last 6 months.

    Yikes. MPK just quoted Breaking Benjamin on me. Wow. Okay, anyhow, the point is that it's easy to find what's wrong because its everywhere. Sure America has done, does, and will do some good things. Lot lived in Sodom, didn't he? As the old saying goes, if God doesn't destroy America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

  7. well,all in all i'd say this has been pretty interesting. and, by the way, i hate to bring y'all down to earth, but the fact is that Barack Obama is our next president. Like it or not, take it or leave it. that's how it's going to be. so i suggest we all get over it and continue with life because personally i don't think america is going to burn up(herbert!) or that the world as a whole is going to explode. that is, in the next four years. the fact is that we have seen some pretty awful presidents. So, anybody hungry?

  8. sorry, but i believe i forgot to put something on my last comment. that is:
    i believe in you
    i can show you that
    i can see right through
    all your empty lines
    i won't stay long
    in this world so wrong

    see, i can do it too
    P.S. just to clear the cobwebs, don't be alarmed, i am not considering "not staying in this world so wrong"... that is, physically speaking

  9. While we're at it, I would like to suggest as a battle cry for Christians:

    The final fight I'll win.
    I will go on until the end.

  10. Kano, Right on. America goes right on the way it has been, maybe a little worse, but not much change. That's why I think the status quo can't last. Something's gonna happen in the next twenty or thirty years- and it will get ugly. I have no idea what, I'm just saying that this can't last. America isn't burning right now, but we're only a step or two behind Sodom.

    MPK, not so much. It's a great song lyric, I agree (and an amazing song, minus a stray word or two). But we go past the end. And for a Christian battle cry I'd prefer something with power in it. The name of Jesus. We only win the final fight through His strong name.

  11. I didn't say that the song was That Word Above All Earthly Powers that shall fell our ancient foe. It's just one of the songs in our repertoire, a tune of encouragement, something for the drums to play as we march to battle.
    What do you mean by we must go past the end? In the eschaton, the war will be over, right?
