Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I got tagged

Okay, so, a while back, Faith of Viva la Vida fame tagged me on her blog. Here's the rules: you list six random things about you, you call out six people you know to do the same. And the unwritten rule is, of course, unlike chain emails, if you don't do it you're sorta the tacky guy on the block. And I ain't that guy. So here it is.

1. I could not stand pizza until the summer after I turned 15. Until this year I hated spaghetti and lasagna. I've never been able to comprehend people's desire for guacamole.

2. I love vinyl records. Rob and I collectively own almost thirty LPs, and they are the way of the future. That's right, the future.

3. Rob and I have a running dare that we won't turn on the heat in our apartment. He said "So when are we gonna turn the heat on?" I responded, "whenever you get cold." He then said: "I can last as long as you can." To which my obvious response was, "and I can last longer than you, so I guess we're good."

4. I have an unreasonable, unpredictable, and totally irrational love for the band Journey.

5. Until this past August, when I moved into the apartment, I've never had my own room. I always shared one with my two younger brothers or sister (at least, as long as I can remember). And, perhaps even weirder, (unless you know my brothers, both the painfully cool Kanaan/Mark and the tragically hip Khristian/whatever annoying name I can come up with) I enjoyed it immensely. I think I'll make my children do the same.

6. My grandaddy makes the best BBQ in the world, and my grandmother makes the best fried chicken. This is the grandaddy who dipped my pacifier in Dr. Pepper when I was but a tyke. I also vividly remember the two times in my life that they have
not had DP in their fridge. Those were tragic days.

Okay, so that's it. You now know 6 extremely random yet important factors in my life. I think my favorite part of this list is the descriptors of my brothers. You can commonplace me if you'd like. (sarcasm alert - I really don't think you should, it's not all that great) The beauty of it is, if you know my brothers you know how very, very true those words are. Kanaan is (at least to my nerdy self) always cool, often painfully cool. And Khristian, well, he's just always tragically hip. And yes, you can say that your grandmother or mother or cousin Suzie makes better fried chicken than my grandmother. Just know, deep down in your heart of hearts, that you're wrong. Really, objectively, utterly wrong.

Oh yeah, six people. Hmm. Most people I know that read this blog don't have one. But, all the same, here goes. You guys can post your six in the comments section. And make it interesting, people. Surprise me (Trey, not too much). That said, if you refuse, I'll understand, I'll just call you girl names for the rest of the time I know you (except for Antkowiak - I won't do a thing except ask why, and then in a completely non-aggressive tone of voice).

Bobby Lee, Trey, Will Hughes, Mark (yeah, you Kano), Jeremy Sauder, Tyler Antkowiak.


  1. I'm with you on the guacamole. Fun to say but not to eat.
    This should be an interesting winter for you Florida chaps....
    No childhood is complete without sibling room-sharing. And all the better if it involves bunk beds.
    Now you've gone and made me miss homemade southun' fried chicken.

  2. Guacamole is GOOD. I love guacamole. It goes well on so many different things.

  3. Sauder. Like the furniture. ;)

    And I'll post those six things soon.

  4. Shoot. I actually knew that one too. Just wasn't thinking. Sorry bro!

  5. Okay, I don't know how this goes really. I'm not the most techno savy person and therefore have no: email, facebook, myspace, or anything of the like. Here are 6 random things. (I guess that's what you asked for.)

    1. I grew up with 12 cousins all living in the same town. Only 5 of us are guys and some of the families have since spread to different cities. We guys had to hang together. I'm actually surprised that I'm not worse off than I am for growing up with that many girls. I also have three siblings. My sister and two brothers.
    2. My favorite book of all time (until I read a better one) is Steinbeck's "Of mice and men". Amazing. That book left me depressed for weeks. Yeah, it's really short, I know. I have read longer great books, but I have an inchantment with this one.
    3. Kaleb's Grandmother's chicken may be good, but my Grandmother's chocolate cake has got ya'lls beat.
    4. I aspire to be a farmer. You know, not an industrial- drive a tractor fill a train farmer, but a farmer. With cows and chickens and sheep and crops and pigs all in the same place. I'd rather be shoveling horse all day than shuffling papers.
    5. I've been to Europe on tour with a Chapel Choir. It was amazing. Anyone who can should hop right across the big water to check out some cathedrals. (sarcasm)
    6. Lastly... Oh! I've been flyfishing once and fell imediately in love. It was amazing. I traveled from NC to TN and fished a river my uncle knew. It was freezing cold and beautiful. I hope to go again this Thanksgiving.

    That's all for now,

  6. Oh, do I have to tag people? If so, I choose Bill Clinton, Niel Armstrong, Hitler, that guy who invented the traffic light, Tina Fey, and Bill from Bill and Ted's excellent adventure. Now come on you guys, I don't want to have to call any of you out, so please respond.


  7. Bobby Lee, you make me laugh.

    Have you read Something Wicked This Way Comes? Just wondering. That book blew my socks off. I do love Steinbeck.

    Cmon Trey - answer me now!

  8. Dear friends, apparently i have been tagged by my bro. And thus, apparently, i must respond with six rediculously absurd(yes, i know it's redundent, that is why i did it y'all) comments about myself. i never was and am still not comfortable talking and/or describing myself to someone. but, for your pleasure i will give you six things which most of you will already know(aka bobby lee).
    let me preface this with the fact that i am kaleb's brother and so he totally stole like aton of things and so i had to actually think of six things to put on here.

    1. I am a huge fan of the author Wendell Berry. I was first introduce by a very good friend of mine who now lives in Moscow,(no, it wasn't kaleb)and ever since have been hooked.

    2. I very recently got a German Shepherd with my siblings from Packston FL, right outside Alabama. His name is Bear and curently he is 9 weeks old. Oh, and he is the coolest dog.... ever.

    3. A year ago i broke my arm while playing flag football. i was trying to stop a kid who was probably 50 or 60 pounds bigger than me, not that says much, and, now that i think of it, i don't know why i'm putting this on the list. i suppose i'm getting desperate.

    4. When i was 3 months old, roughly speaking, my grandfather would put dr. pepper on my pacifier and from then on i've bben hooked on the drink. not adicted, like kaleb and mountain dew(that's right, kaleb is ADICTED) but i enjoy it... alot

    5. I, my father, and Khristian drove Kaleb 52 hours up to Moscow, Idaho from our home in Milton, FL. We had(suprising to some) an absolute blast in a gorgeous country. If someone had the choice, i would tell them to drive instead of flying, because it is beautiful. absolutely stunning.

    6. I think that camping is absolutely the bomb. If i had the choice between a great movie and camping with my pals, i'd choose camping. why? because, to tell the truth, when i'm camping, i feel like the world is softer, kinder, more beautiful, and on those particularly stary nights i wonder why anyone struggles against God and one another. We have so much to love, to enjoy, and cherish, i don't know why we don't just look up at the heavens all the time.

    Kano T.

  9. Dude, you crack me up. I am neither adicted nor addicted to that Nectar of the gods, I just enjoy it greatly. That drive was way too much fun . . . by the by, does Dad still listen to Sky Blue & Black as much as I do? That song is on my playlist a lot, it seems.

    Go ahead, hippie -- keep up that star-gazin! (just kidding, I'm totally with you, in case you didn't guess)
