Ladies and Gentlemen, you may not have noticed but we have another contributor listed to this blog. Yes, that is right, his pseudonym is "Swede", kind of like mine is Rob N (except that "Swede" is not etymologically related to his real name). His real name is Dane Wilson, most people call him "Dane." He's a very cool guy, hailing from Moscow, ID and I'm sure he has some very good and quite interesting things to say (one of these days, I know for a fact that he's pretty busy). I'm not going to say much more in the way of introductions, I'm sure you can figure the rest of it out on your own - read his profile, that'll probably tell you a few superficial details about him. I'll let him fill you in on the rest. Maybe his first post will be an autobiography, that would be cool! Anyway, thank you very much for reading and I hope this blog finds you well (in a state of pleasant and blissful unflabbergastedness - yes, I did just type that word for the first time ever).

This is not him, this is another guy named Dane Wilson. Sorry for the confusion.
Actually his profile is not very detailed at all, I just checked.