Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Animal Rights

"Animal Rights" has always been one of my pet issues, hahahaha. But seriously now, these animals need some rights.

FACT: Animals can't vote

FACT: Animals don't have the right to free speech (suppose, for example, that a parrot tried to say something other than "Polly Want a Cracker?)

FACT: If I were an animal, I'd shoot myself - if only I had the right to bear arms.

This news video, gets at the heart of the issue.

NB: This video is an "Onion" news article. As with many other "Onions" there is some profanity, and some suggestive commercials at the end. The main video is completely harmless but the 20 sec. after it has a few words (or rather one phrase in particular) that aren't nice. Enjoy.

Should Animals Be Doing More For The Animal Rights Movement?


  1. I'm all for animal rights, but with rights come responsibilities - like buying a new door....



  2. Wow, that's crazy. Yeah that parrot should have to pay.

  3. kudos from my two cats (actually they coughed up 1.5 hairballs in response)

    mark from brooklyn

  4. "I don't like these hermit crabs!"
