Wow guys. I am sorry. I think it's been nearly a month since I posted anything. Yikes. And I dare to call myself a contributor to this blog! Anyhow, here I contribute.
1. I do have something of an excuse, as this is the first weekend in the last three or four weeks that I've had a functioning power cord for my laptop, so I've been bumming off of other people and therefore trying to cut things as short as possible.
2. Today was the first day Moscow broke 60 degrees!! Truly a red letter day, since it also marked the first day we've had a full day of sunlight! It was glorious. Two and a half hours of soccer make any day better, even, nay especially a day like this.
3. Want to read something that will blow your mind, change your life, and make you wonder where in the world you have been all these years? Try Surprised by Hope, by Bishop Tom Wright, or Heaven Misplaced, by Pastor Doug Wilson. We've got some work to do, people.
4. On a note that is not totally different, you can go here and see some other stuff by me. I'll be posting poetry, art, commonplaces, and some random ideas. Don't be fooled, though. It is but a sideshow, a halftime performance when compared to the Flabbergaster.
5. [a preview for #4...] A short poem I wrote recently. It's called the ocean. It's got some things going on with the rhythm and meter, so watch for that. It's also not just about water. In case you were wondering.
you know i always miss the ocean
on stormy days i miss its waves
and on the clear days too
cause three thousand miles are just
too many for my toes to trip
when we've just got a weekend.
i know the gut-punching sickness
that comes on darker nights
when i wake up and there you
and how i've wished to weep
for now i know how it is to be alone
the slap of water in the sink,
any mirrored flash of light,
the frozen fountain in
the frozen square below
they all remind me of the ocean
and of the suns embrace
and loneliness loves to gnaw at my guts
its chewed all through my
for you are gone so i'm not here;
pray God someday
that all of that will change
is this what earth feels like to heav'n
(now am i not absurd?)
but i say sometime in the sunlight
when on the highest crest of hills
when dancing with our life's true love
we long for what we do not know.
6. I have a fruit that I like now (don't read a lot into that statement; it's kind of a long and
somewhat embarrassing story that involves me not liking most fruits): the orange. It kind of makes my day.
7. What is it about the song Drift Away that makes anyone in the room sing along? I think it's kind of amazing how music does that to people.
8. One wonders if "sheds crystal shells" is not one of the best phrases in the English language. Props to Robert Frost.
9. People, this kind of makes my day. If you don't know where it's from, click here, and laugh.
10. Although it's not because of any of the typical pop culture reasons, College Spring Break is amazing. So are my grandmother's mashed potatoes, fried chicken, and biscuits and gravy. There is quite possibly a causal relationship there.
11. I broke the 10 item barrier. Rad. Now I look ridiculous and long-winded, instead of the usual, which would be just ridiculous. Oh well.