Monday, January 26, 2009
I give some props
I say it's cold outside, so grab a raincoat

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Another hypothetical fattening prize
Thursday, January 22, 2009
President Obama's first executive order
-He promises more humanitarian aid to those suffering in Darfur, and his Senate voting record supports this.
-His first executive order was to shut down Gitmo within a year.
-He signed a bill today abolishing America's use of torture.
-Basically, he just eliminated all the problems I had with the Bush administration.
None of this changes the fact that Obama supports the murder of babies. We can't just look past this. But neither can we look at this alone, and look past the good that Obama is already doing. That would be ingratitude. God has a purpose for Obama, and I do not think it's just judgment.
We who are Christians should not be humanists (in the ideological sense). But that in no way means that we can't be humanitarians.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Get on your boots
My very clear advice
"Always never fail to remember to not fail to not forget to do whatever is always not in your un-best interest."
I don't have anything else to say really. That about sums it up.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
When exiting a restaurant
"Thank you for coming. Have a nice night."
The usual response is something like "Thanks, you too."
Oh, that's sweet. But it's really boring.
Here is just one way to spice it up- respond with "Thank you. Uh, Sorry about the mess." The poor man will be flabbergasted. When he asks, "what mess?" just answer "You'll see."
The trick is to be very vague. Don't give any details like in the bathroom, underneath my table, in my napkin, on the floor etc. Leave it completely open to his imagination. He may even abandon his post at the door and go looking for this elusive mess. It's pretty ironical, because he's the only mess you've left.
Try it. They love it.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I just don't think people understand
U.N. alarmed by Lebanon rocket attacks on Israel
I am intrigued by this. Because, you see, it's so ridiculously obvious. Are there rocket attacks that don't alarm people? I would hate to see them. I mean really, how boring would that attack be?
We continue reading, though
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
You've got to be kidding me. Just when Kofi Annan steps down, we get a man named
Ban Ki-moon? We serve a marvelously funny God, my friends
expressed alarm on Wednesday over reports of Lebanese rocket attacks against Israel and urged all parties in the region to avoid actions that could make a bad situation worse. "That is ... a very alarming, very disturbing and troubling situation," Ban told reporters
Again with the alarm. Apparently General Ban hasn't been told that this sort of thing has been happening since the Muslims invaded like 1,000 years ago. And now he's asking Israel not to retaliate. Someone needs to give the poor man a briefing. Retaliation is my Israeli neighbor's middle name. Not really, but you see my point. Revenge is something they are good at. Their ancestors avenged the rape of their sister by convincing an entire city of men to circumcise themselves, and then came in on the third day "when they were sore" and butchered the lot of them.
Ban said that U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon, known as UNIFIL, were investigating the rocket attacks launched from inside Lebanon. The incident took place on the 19th day of Israel's offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza strip.Tough, that one. Israel fights Hamas militants. All of a sudden, rockets start
appearing out of Lebanon, a known supporter and harbor for Hamas militants.
Careful now, don't think about this too hard or you might get a headache.
Security sources in Lebanon said five rockets were fired, though two fell in Lebanon.
So these guys aren't just idiots because they're fighting against one of the most militant nations on the planet, they're also idiots in the traditional sense of the word. They can't even point and shoot.
"Hamas rocket attacks must stop and at the same time I have been condemning
the excessive military operation by the Israelis," he told an earlier news
conference in Cairo . . .
Apparently we're going to be forgetting that whole part where Hamas stole the land from Israel. Just like we forgot about Hitler annexing Austria. Because that worked so well.
The Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza said 1,010 Palestinians had been killed
and 4,700 wounded by Israel so far. The Israelis say on their side 10 soldiers,
and three civilians hit by cross-border Hamas rockets, have been killed.
The moral of this story, kids, is: don't mess with Israel. 13 deaths compared to 1,010?! That's absolutely incredible.
Here's what I don't think people get. People don't understand that God's promises to Israel aren't finished. If God is going to redeem the nation of Israel as He has promised, He's got to have something to redeem.* In the Six Day War in 1967, Israel was attacked by Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt. They were outnumbered almost 2 to 1 in infantry, 3 to 1 in the air, and 3 to 1 in tanks. By the end of those six days, Israel had had 800 men killed, 2500 wounded, and 15 captured. The four Arabic nations had lost 13,000 men, 8,000 wounded, and 6,000 prisoners. Israel lost 46 aircraft as compared to more than 400 aircraft. Don't mess with the Lord's chosen. David didn't kill Saul even though he was unfaithful, because Saul was God's chosen one. I can think of no other nation on earth that is that small, surrounded by that many enemies, and that has lasted for that long. So, as the eloquent Pastor Hadding has said on many an occasion, I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.
*This does, in fact and in most every way, represent what I believe. It may or may not represent what Rob believes, we haven't discussed it yet. Something tells me we will shortly.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Rides n' such
This is one of those times. Well, I'm getting a little tired of all the politeness. These people always say that they would be willing to pay for the gas. Which is, of course, very reasonable. But I'm holding out for somebody to break the mold. Go ahead, be completely unreasonable. It's fun. Here are some ways:
"Of course, I would not be willing to pay for gas."
"Don't even think about asking me for gas money."
"You're going there anyway, all I'm asking is that you take me with you. It's your gas. Sheesh"
"As we all know, I'm a jerk. As such, it goes against my principles to help pay for gas."
"I don't believe in gas. Therefore, I won't pay for you to keep ruining our environment. But, as long as you're ruining it you might as well take me with you."
Now that would be in true flabbergasted style. You see, everyone's got a little "jerk" written in the small-print of their hearts, you just have to look for it.
I want to write a book: "Rob's Unreasonably Priced Book on How to be Unreasonable." I think it would be a huge hit.
N.B.: This is me being facetious. As far as I know, most of the time I'm not a jerk.