In sophomore declamations now we are given different themes to write about and we declaim in groups of 15 or 16. My last declamation I had to imitate Dr. Seuss. Here's what I came up with:
One fine sunny day I asked a guy from the tram, how many flimples will it take to feed a grown man. I’m not quite sure said the man to me, but come to my flat and we shall see. But what is a flimple? So glad you asked. It’s hard to say, but mostly they’re fast. They run hither, oh yes they run thither, they get pursuers into such a ridiculous dither. So how do you catch them? Well you have to be cautious, because if you find them asleep they’re really quite nauseous. But plug up your nose and give them a rub, they’ll drop in your hand, then give them a scrub. They’re tiny brown lice that cook ever so nice, teach them to stir, they take advice. They do everything fast, just leave them alone, they’ll sweep up your floor they’ll clean up your home.
So I open the door according to plan, and what do I find but five thousand flimples, a whole flimple clan. So I said to myself “Now I can know how many flimples it takes to feed a man full grown.” So I asked them quite nicely “could you try a meal out? I’m famished tonight, I could eat a whole trout.” Well, funny the way it all just worked out, trout’s what precisely they planned to try out. The meal that night was such a treat, it was quite a to-do, a fantastic feat. The flimples stood up on shoulders, they worked flimp-on-flimp, they cooked the fish, they constructed a blimp. Just kidding, no blimp was involved, but by working together the problem was solved. So many a flimple, six hundred flimps bold, fed one single man, and this story is told.
7 years ago