1. Try not to look like this :

2. Don't study so much and fellowship so little that you look like this:

This is a clear case of what I like to call the mushroom effect. The upper portion of the head, containing the brain becomes bloated, which of course leads to the face (which is mostly responsible for any kind of conversation, let alone intelligent conversations) becoming deficient. This is especially a danger when reading books such as "Gorgias", as you see me doing in this illustration. You see my friends, "Gorgias" is so enthralling that your head can mushroom before you even realize it. I suggest draining your head of cranial fluid immediately after reading this book. This is best done through video games and/or Bucer's.
3. Two heads are better than one. . .

note for those interested: my head was in no way harmed (or, uh, duplicated) in the creation of this post.
Thank you for the helpful guidance. I'll try to measure my skull size every night be for I go to sleep. If it's too big, I'll increase my gaming.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea. Also, you could begin to use the word "Dude" much more than you already do, and post stupid comments on Youtube.